Let’s Keep Practicing!

There are two major purposes of this post.

One:continue learning about blogging and commenting.

Two: begin to think about your own opinion piece on an animal or plant and its structures.

Number One! As I have continued my own learning about blogging, I realized how important it is to first READ a post. READING a post is important because you can’t leave a thoughtful, complete comment unless you’ve taken the time to analyze the words.

To paraphrase the course I am taking, there is a process to blogging. The two steps we will focus on right now are:

1. Read others’ posts.
2. Comment on others’ posts.

Before you comment on this post, refer back to the Commenting Guidelines page on our class blog.

Number Two! Using the texts from previous lessons in Reading and Science, you will create a claim. (Later on, you will use the texts as research/resources to find evidence to support your claim.)

When you’re ready, your comment will contain your claim and what resources you will use as evidence to support your claim.

26 thoughts on “Let’s Keep Practicing!

  1. My claim is that mosquitoes re foes because they suck your blood and carry a Horrible disease called Malaria

    • Okay! Simply put, your claim is: Mosquitoes are foes. The other information is detailed evidence you will need later. What resource will you use for evidence?

  2. Bats are the most disgusting and gross animal. They have leaf like noses, giant ears, pointy teeth and that’s not even the beginning.
    Friend or Foe (Foe obviously)
    Books about Bats
    Opinion Writing Day sheets

  3. Thanks for being specific on the directions! My claim is that rats are more harmful than helpful. I plan on using the articles on rats in the book, Friend Or Foe. A question I have is what if you want to leave a comment on something you relate to, or something besides Praise Question Suggestion? One suggestion/tip I have is Always be sure to edit your posts/comments before posting!

    • Thank you for your thoughtful response! I agree that editing your posts/comments is important. No one likes to read a Blog with many mistakes. As far as adding comments of other kinds, I think it would be great if you left a comment that was in relation to the post. Good idea. Also, I am interested in your topic/claim. I bet you can acknowledge some counterpoints that state the opposite.

  4. Mountain lions are very unique creatures. Resources: National geographic kids, National wildlife federation, Wildlife Informer, and any other resources I come across

    • Thank you! Good job finding reliable sources on your own. Don’t forget to check your work for CUPS before you submit.

  5. Meghan Torr – I found out read friend or foe that Cockroaches are foes. Cockroaches are cannibals who eat their babies. O.M.G ew.

  6. My claim is that leeches are foes, because they stick onto you and suck your blood. Also, they will stay stuck to you and suck you blood until they are full which could take 30 minutes.

    • Thank you for answering my post. Remember to use complete sentences. What resource are you using to support your claim with evidence.

  7. thank you for the directions. so mine are going to be leeches are foes and i am also going to use friends or foes

    • Hi! Thank you for your answer. Remember that your comments and posts need to be complete sentences with capitals and periods!

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